Poetry flowed effortlessly from Lethabo’s pen. He believed this artistic inclination was a legacy inherited from his maternal great-grandfather, a celebrated wordsmith in his time. To Lethabo, poetry was more than an art form; it was an intimate expression of thoughts and feelings, a way to navigate life’s complexities while preserving one’s privacy. He viewed it as a pastime people engaged in when they had the luxury of time and an abundance of thoughts to share, even if without a specific audience. Little did he know, poetry was his refuge, a means to cope with life’s challenges.

The tale he embarked upon bore semblance to the opening chapters of ancient scriptures, far from poetic verses; it commenced with a backdrop of beauty, serenity, and innocence. The sun bestowed its gentle warmth upon the town of eMtata, embracing a comfortable 31°C on a Tuesday morning in December. The streets simmered underfoot, reminiscent of molten lava, oblivious to concepts like “Global Warming” that modern times would come to know. In the early ’90s, such weather was attributed to divine retribution, a celestial response to humanity’s actions.

As Naledi gingerly made her way toward the car parked in the yard, her pregnant form told a story of determination intermingled with moments of respite for breath. Her swollen feet found shelter in morning shoes, the sole pair that fit her comfortably. This impromptu journey was sparked by an untimely contraction, an early warning that beckoned her to seek answers. The drive to the hospital was a passage through pain, contractions gripping her being with increasing intensity. In stark contrast, Sizwe, the driver, exuded a calm demeanour. With three children from previous unions, he navigated fatherhood with an air of confidence, drawing from experience. Sizwe’s charisma, accentuated by his deep eyes and medium stature, held an enchanting quality. His trusty Nissan E20, an extension of his charm, carried him and his tales to varied destinations. Yet, Lethabo considered him a complex figure, a man with an intricate tapestry woven from fatherhood experiences with different mothers, including Lethabo’s own.

Lethabo’s early days unfolded within the cocoon of an incubator, a vessel of protection that nurtured his fragile form. The innocence of his infancy gradually gave way to the intricate layers of life’s experiences. The sunlit days of his early existence dimmed as life’s shadows loomed large, much like the transformation within a biblical story. As beauty was cast aside, life’s challenges took centre stage, shaping the contours of Lethabo’s journey.

The initial five years of Lethabo’s life remained fragmented, pieced together by stories relayed through generations. Among these narratives emerged his father’s tendency toward abuse, an unsettling revelation that cast a shadow on his perspective. His father’s departure, a decision made in consideration of collective well-being, brought a change of scenery, yet financial struggles persisted.


In 1998, at the age of five, Lethabo encountered the demands of school life. Early days were marked by teary-eyed reluctance, his birthday presenting an academic quandary. Custody disputes coloured his days, leading to a year of education lost while his peers surged forward. Amidst this tumultuous period, he longed for the sanctuary of the classroom, a place of camaraderie and growth.

Continuing into the following year, uncertainty remained a constant companion. The passing of his grandmother due to kidney failure marked a significant juncture. In 1999, Lethabo’s mother resumed custody, an event that evoked mixed emotions. The previous year had been turbulent, his father’s presence marred by complex circumstances. Reconnecting with old friends and reigniting his passion for learning offered a glimmer of hope. As the sun rose on the day of his graduation, a new chapter beckoned, promising a fresh start.

He was wrong…

One response to “1. The Rabbit Hole”

  1. Cannot wait to see the next episode


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