I’m tired of being the problem,
The source of the tears that stain your nights,
The ache that lingers in your silence,
A ghost haunting every room I walk into.

I see the pain etched in your eyes,
A mirror reflecting the cracks I’ve carved in your world,
And I wonder how many apologies it takes to stitch a broken heart,
How many words can mend the scars of my presence.

I’m tired of being the problem,
A storm that disrupts your peace,
An uninvited shadow in your light,
Dragging darkness wherever I go.

I’ve tried to be the calm in your chaos,
To be the salve for the wounds I’ve inflicted,
But every step forward feels like quicksand,
Every effort a futile struggle against an inevitable downfall.

I am the problem,
The weight you carry on your shoulders,
The reason behind your cautious smiles,
The name you hesitate to call out in the dark.

I’m tired of causing you pain,
Of being the catalyst for your sorrow,
The reason your laughter hesitates,
The cause of your sleepless nights and heavy sighs.

If I could rewrite the story,
I’d erase the lines that hurt you,
Turn every sharp word into a whisper of comfort,
Transform every misstep into a path of healing.

But here I stand, imperfect and flawed,
A soul searching for redemption in a labyrinth of guilt,
Trying to find a way to be less of a burden,
To be the calm rather than the storm.

I’m tired of being the problem,
Of seeing your light dimmed by my shadow,
Of being the reason you question your worth,
Of causing cracks in the foundation of your joy.

So, here’s to the promise of change,
To the hope of a better tomorrow,
To becoming the salve instead of the wound,
To being the peace rather than the turmoil.

I’m tired of being the problem,
But I am learning to be the solution,
Step by step, breath by breath,
Striving to be the reason you smile rather than the cause of your tears.

2 responses to “Problem ; Child”

  1. this is such a heart breaking yet beautiful poem, the words flow so well

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAA! Magazine Avatar
      YAA! Magazine

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

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