Through the smoke he could see
His soul bent, twisted, and maned,
How atrocious its posture,
His dazed eyes could peer into infinity
And perceive into eternity.

A heart’s cry, a silent plea,
In shadows of memories framed,
Each breath a fractured capture,
Lost in the maze of what could be,
A broken symphony’s strained serenity.

Dust clings to the air, heavy and still,
Time a thief in relentless pursuit,
Echoes of dreams echo bitterly,
His essence, a landscape unfulfilled,
Where hope’s light struggles to shoot.

Through the smoke he could see,
A glimmer of what remains,
A soul bent but unyielded,
Worn by pain, yet strangely free,
In the end, a spirit unchained.

Every scar a story, every wound a word,
In the language of survival, unspoken but heard,
In the quiet of the night, where shadows converse,
A testament to battles fought in the universe.

In the silence, he heard the whispers of grace,
A voice that called through the tumult and chase,
“You are more than the sum of your broken parts,
More than the echoes of fractured hearts.”

Through the smoke, a vision clear,
A reflection of strength in every tear,
For in the fire, the dross is burned away,
Leaving the gold, pure and unafraid.

His dazed eyes could peer into infinity,
And perceive into eternity,
Where every trial was a stepping stone,
Every loss a path to the unknown.

In the dance of the embers, he found his song,
A melody of resilience, fierce and strong,
A cadence of hope in the darkest night,
A symphony of spirit, burning bright.

Through the smoke he could see,
The dawn of a new becoming,
A phoenix rising from ash,
Whispers of what he could be,
In every shadow, light is summoning.

He walked through the fire, not unscathed but whole,
A journey of ashes to a radiant soul,
For through the smoke, he saw the truth,
A vision of redemption, eternal and absolute.

And as he stood, with eyes wide open,
A heart that had learned to trust the broken,
He saw in the mirror, not just the scars,
But the map of a warrior, reaching for the stars.

Through the smoke, he saw his reflection,
A testament to strength, in every imperfection,
A story of grace, written in the flames,
A soul reborn, and a spirit reclaimed.

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