I felt my own silence
In the tranquility, I could hear the shadows scrape across the ground
Each whisper of the wind, a tale untold, unbound
The night cloaked in velvet, stars like dreams profound
In this sacred stillness, my heart began to resound.

Beneath the crescent moon, the earth whispered secrets old
Of love and loss, of courage bold
I walked a path where memories unfold
In the twilight, I felt my spirit gently uphold.

The trees stood as ancient sentinels, guardians of the night
Their branches etched with stories, bathed in silver light
Each leaf a testament to love’s enduring fight
In their silent vigil, I found my own plight.

A brook murmured softly, a melody serene
Its waters weaving through the forest, a liquid sheen
In its crystal depths, reflections of what might have been
A mirror to my soul, clear and keen.

I wandered through this nocturnal dreamscape
My heart a vessel, my thoughts taking shape
In the solitude, I felt a gentle escape
From the world’s harsh edges, from life’s jagged scrape.

And there, in the heart of the woods, a figure stood
An ethereal presence, cloaked in a luminous hood
Eyes like embers, yet tender and good
In their gaze, I found the peace I never understood.

She spoke not in words, but in the language of the soul
A symphony of silence, making the broken whole
In her eyes, a story of life’s relentless toll
Yet also of hope, of love’s eternal goal.

She extended a hand, delicate as morning’s first light
And in that gesture, I felt the end of my night
Her touch a balm, a gentle flight
To a realm where shadows transformed into sight.

Together we walked, our steps in sync with time’s flow
Through the forest where ancient secrets grow
In the heart of darkness, a gentle glow
A reminder that even in silence, love can bestow.

As dawn’s first rays kissed the sky
The shadows retreated, bidding goodbye
In the light, I felt my spirit fly
No longer bound by silence, no longer asking why.

For in that night, in the stillness so deep
I found a love that in my soul would keep
A bond unbroken, a promise to forever seep
Into the essence of my being, even in sleep.

So, I carry this night within me
A treasure of tranquility, boundless and free
In the whispers of the heart, in the rustle of the tree
I found the beauty of silence, and the song of eternity.

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