I am at peace with death
I am okay with one day not existing
Because my presence brings pain to people.
And these are the people I love and hold dear.

I carry the scars of history in my veins,
a testament to battles fought in shadows,
whispered wounds that refuse to heal.
My existence is a mirror, reflecting back
the silent cries of ancestors, the weight
of unspoken grief.

Each breath I take is a ripple,
disturbing the fragile peace of those I hold close,
a reminder of the burdens we share,
the chains we cannot break.
I am the ghost in the room,
the shadow that lingers,
unseen but felt, heavy and unrelenting.

In my dreams, I walk through fields of sorrow,
where the earth weeps beneath my feet,
and the sky mourns the loss of innocence.
I am both the wound and the salve,
the knife and the healing hand,
caught in the paradox of my existence.

I have learned to speak in hushed tones,
to hold my truths with trembling hands,
afraid that the weight of my words
will shatter the delicate glass of our lives.
I am a storm contained in a vessel,
a fury restrained by love and duty,
knowing that my freedom is their undoing.

So I fold myself into silence,
a tapestry of quiet resilience,
hoping that my absence
will be a balm to their wounds,
that my departure
will bring them the peace I cannot find.

I am at peace with death,
not as an escape, but as a surrender,
a final act of love for those
who bear the brunt of my existence.
In the end, I am but a whisper,
a fleeting shadow,
leaving behind the echoes
of a love too fierce to contain,
a presence too heavy to hold.

Let me be the wind that carries their burdens away,
the gentle breeze that soothes their weary hearts.
In my departure, may they find solace,
a lightness of being I could never give.
For in my absence, they will find the strength
to rise, unencumbered by the weight of my being,
free to dance in the sun, unshadowed,
unbroken by the storm of my soul.

I am at peace with death,
for it is in dying that I truly live,
in the release of my presence,
that they may finally breathe.
And in this final act,
I give them the gift of peace,
a love that transcends the boundaries
of life and death,
a love that endures,
unseen, but eternal.

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