Dear God
It pays no good to keep me here
Whatever good lesson You would have me learn
I am not learning
All I do is feel my heart grow colder

The days stretch into nights without end
And the silence between breaths
Holds more weight than any spoken word
I wander through these empty spaces
A soul adrift, seeking shorelines of solace

Your stars shine on indifferent
While I search for warmth in their ancient light
In the echoes of prayers unanswered
I am left to gather pieces of my unraveling faith
Building altars to hope on foundations of doubt

The earth beneath my feet feels foreign
Every step a question, every shadow a fear
The path You set before me crumbles
And I am left to navigate a wilderness of despair
Where even the trees seem to whisper my insignificance

Tell me, is this suffering a prelude to grace?
Or am I merely a vessel for pain,
To carry the burdens of lessons I cannot comprehend?
The weight of this journey bends my spirit
And I am left wondering if You are listening

The winds carry my cries, scattered
Among the indifferent hum of existence
I stand at the edge of what I know, looking out
Into the abyss of what I cannot grasp
Begging for a sign, a whisper, a touch

Dear God
Do not let me wither in this desolation
Grant me the strength to endure
Or the mercy to be freed
For my heart grows colder with each passing day

And I fear
There is no fire left within me
To light the way back to You.

Each morning I wake to the same emptiness
The sun rises, a distant promise
But its light does not reach the corners of my despair
I walk through the motions, a ghost in my own life
Searching for meaning in the mundane

Friends and strangers pass by, their lives
Full of purpose, of joy, of sorrow
And I watch from the sidelines, disconnected
From the thread that weaves us all together
Lost in the labyrinth of my own making

I reach out in the darkness, hoping
To grasp something solid, something real
But my hands close on nothingness
And I am left to fall, again and again
Into the void of my own questions

Is there a reason, a rhyme to this silence?
A hidden melody in the cacophony of doubt?
I strain to hear Your voice
But all I find is the echo of my own
Fragile, fleeting, uncertain

Dear God
If there is a lesson in this pain
Let it be known to me
For I am weary of wandering
Of stumbling through shadows without a guide

Let my tears be not in vain
Let my cries reach Your ears
And my heart find a glimmer of the warmth
It so desperately seeks
In the vast, cold expanse of this night

For I am but a child, lost and afraid
In need of Your light, Your love, Your grace
To bring me back from the brink
To fill the emptiness with Your presence
And to teach me, once again, how to hope.

2 responses to “A Prayer For The Abandoned”

  1. Pretty Zuzani Avatar
    Pretty Zuzani

    Beautiful, Powerful.

    I Love Your work❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAA! Magazine Avatar
      YAA! Magazine

      Thank You Baby❤️


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